Further Education
Post 16 providers have significant difficulty meeting the challenge of delivering Maths and English to their students:
1. Students have resistance and a lack of emotional resilience to repeating their maths and English GCSE, particularly within a classroom model similar to their school experience.
2. Colleges face significant challenges recruiting qualified, experienced GCSE maths and English tutors.
3. Achieving satisfactory outcomes for learners can be disappointing:
a. Attendance and punctuality to physical lessons is poor.
b. Retention on courses is low.
c. Pass rates are significantly below schools.

A Further Education College can engage with
My Own Tutor in at least 2 ways:
1. Use our online study programme available 24/7 with its detailed topic level reports to identify where students need help to support the delivery provided by their existing teachers.
2. We can provide a full online study programme with virtual live teacher tuition sessions, giving greater flexibility to students for attendance, as well as more support through live virtual lessons, supervised study periods and a teacher helpline.